Starks Field Primary School

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London N9 9SJ

0208 887 6060

Starks Field Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be helps our pupils learn the importance of our six core values: kindness, respect, tolerance, resilience, honesty and self-responsibility.

  1. Health And Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Our Health and Wellbeing section provides information on how the school is promoting healthy living and the contribution physical education makes to the health and wellbeing of all pupils. Alongside acquiring the essential skills of English and mathematics, the development of skills and knowledge in health and wellbeing sits at the very centre of all learners’ experiences at Starks Field. Online safety is also crucial in supporting pupils' emotional wellbeing. There are guides for parents and carers on how to help children keep safe while using the internet. Learning about mental health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future.

At Starks Field Primary School we believe that embedding mental health and wellbeing across learning, whether this takes place within the school or other learning environments, at home or in the wider community, is crucial to healthy development and lifestyles.


The aspects of health and wellbeing which the school promotes are:

  • Mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Social wellbeing
  • Physical wellbeing
  • Planning for choices and changes
  • Relationships
  • Physical activity and sport

Please view the Enfield Community Handbook here



If your child needs to take ongoing medication, e.g. for asthma, please into come into school and discuss your child’s requirements with the Welfare Officer. You will be asked to contribute to a care plan outlining your child’s medical needs, the dose and timing of medication and what action should be taken in an emergency. If the medical need is complex the school nurse will be invited to give advice at the care plan meeting. The medicine must be prescribed by a doctor and the care plan signed by the child’s parent or carer. The care plan and medication will be kept in the Welfare Room and administered under the supervision of an adult.

Parental consent to administer prescription medicine to a child while they are in school must be given in writing.  Medicines must be in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy.  Starks Field will not give your child prescription medicine, unless you complete and sign this form.  This is in line with the school's Managing Medicines Policy.

If your child becomes ill or sustains any injury at school, they will be cared for by the Welfare Officer/a member of staff qualified in first aid. If it is deemed necessary parents/carers will be asked to come to the school to collect their child.

In case of an emergency, please make sure we always have up-to-date phone numbers where you can be contacted.

Parents/carers will be informed of any head injuries sustained and for serious accidents we follow the procedures laid down by the London Borough of Enfield.

The Annual Flu Immunisation Programme takes place at Starks Field.  Information will be sent home, including a consent form, when the immunisation programme will be in school.  This year the Children's Immunisation Team will be in school in November, so please remember to return your consent form promptly.  If you have any queries please email the Enfield Immunisation Team -  

Protecting Your Child Against Flu leaflet

MMR Immunisation leaflet


This is a very common problem in schools, which is easily treatable at home. Treatments can be purchased at the chemist. If you do discover head lice we can provide advice in school; please come in and ask for an information sheet. It would be helpful if you would let the school know if your child does have head lice so that other parents can be alerted to check their children’s hair and treat it if necessary.


The Area Child Protection Committee, with members from social care, health departments, police, the NSPCC, the education department and others, have published procedures on Child Protection. The procedures give clear instructions for school staff to inform social care immediately of any allegation of abuse or non-accidental injury. It is the duty of the school to follow these instructions. Parents/carers are informed as soon as possible. Please refer to our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies.

Enfield Children’s Portal

On 22nd July 2019 Enfield introduced the new Children’s Portal to allow individuals to:

  • make a referral for child protection or family support
  • view all referrals in one place
  • access information, advice and guidance
  • submit a foster carer enquiry

Members of the public should make all referrals through the portal, including enquiries to become a foster carer. However, if you need support or prefer to submit your referral or enquiry over the phone, you can call the relevant team.  Children’s Centres, Parent Support Service and Change & Challenge are working together as the Enfield Early Help Family Hub. The Early Help partnership is overseen by the Family Resilience Board, chaired by the Director of Children and Family Services.  You can contact the Early Help Family Hub at, and the MASH at  For more information on the Children's Portal visit