Starks Field Primary School

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167 Church Street,
London N9 9SJ

0208 887 6060

Starks Field Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be helps our pupils learn the importance of our six core values: kindness, respect, tolerance, resilience, honesty and self-responsibility.

  1. School Information
  2. Vision and Values

Vision and Values

'Be The Best You Can Be' helps our pupils learn the importance of our six core values: tolerance, self-responsibility, resilience, honesty, respect and kindness.


Our Vision

At Starks Field our culture is driven by our own 3Rs – relationships, respect and rigour.



We are passionate about developing kind, confident, honest and responsible pupils who aim to be the best they can be. We will help our children to do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe and supportive learning environment in which all achievements and successes are celebrated and equity is promoted.


Our inclusive environment acknowledges and respects children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds. We aim to create a positive and purposeful partnership with our parents and carers and to develop links with the local community. We treat children, families and staff as individuals and respect their rights, values and beliefs.


We will always maintain the highest expectations for our pupils, whatever their starting points, to ensure that they realise their full potential. We will adapt our curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of our pupils while always ensuring that our offer is in alignment with national provision. We will support our pupils’, families’ and employees’ mental and physical wellbeing and pastoral needs at all times.


Our Mission

At Starks Field we aim:

  • To keep every child safe at all times.To help each individual to reach his/her full academic potential through the provision of a broad, balanced, motivating and relevant      curriculum which concentrates on providing children with good literacy and numeracy skills while ensuring enriching learning experiences.
  • To raise standards of attainment and achievement, with high expectations of all by all.
  • To maintain a supportive culture of self-review and school improvement.
  • To create a positive, calm and stimulating environment, which celebrates achievement, recognises success and promotes equity.
  • To nurture children to be highly motivated, well behaved, fully involved in the life of the school, independent and to show initiative and self-discipline.
  • To maintain sound and purposeful procedures for everybody in school where everyone feels valued.
  • To encourage positive and purposeful relationships with families, developing a sense of belonging and links with the local community.
  • To be an inclusive school which welcomes all pupils from its community and provides challenging educational experiences for each individual.
  • To deliver a curriculum that promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with differing faiths and beliefs.
  • To treat children as individuals and respect their rights, values and beliefs.

At Starks Field our pupils follow the Golden Rules:

We are gentle

We are kind and helpful

We listen

We are honest

We work hard

We look after property