Starks Field Primary School

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167 Church Street,
London N9 9SJ

0208 887 6060

Starks Field Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be helps our pupils learn the importance of our six core values: kindness, respect, bravery, resilience, enthusiasm and responsibility.

  1. Curriculum
  2. Maths


Maths is taught daily at Starks Field to support children in becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, be able to reason mathematically and problem solve by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems. Children are taught maths in their normal classes. We follow the National Curriculum programme of study for maths.

At Starks Field we use White Rose Maths progression and schemes of learning to deliver maths lessons from Early Years through to Year 6. Through this approach children develop mastery by working on the three key areas of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. ​​Children will develop their conceptual understanding, as well as the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.  There is a daily emphasis on reasoning and problem solving to apply the skills they learn. Pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. For more information about White Rose Maths, please look at their parent/carer and pupil section ( or to look at the curriculum maps, click below.

Curriculum Maps Years 1 - 6

In support of their times tables knowledge, we use TTRockstars ( in Key Stage 2, which gives the children a fun way to practise their tables online, earning coins for every correct answer and being able to spend them on their avatar. Teachers have provided children with their own login (six letters) and password (normally three numbers) so that they can log in both at home and in school.

Arithmetic skills are assessed at the end of KS2. Children learn strategies to solve all four operations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Parental support with everyday maths is a very important part of developing a child’s confidence in maths. Here is a link to a website that may help:


Mathematical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) relates to the Development Matters document and the Early Learning Goals, set out in the Statutory Framework for the EYFS alongside the mathematics programme of study. This is aligned with the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. Well-planned sequences of learning are taught to the whole class and purposeful focus activities enable pupils to apply their mathematical skills and understanding and to have meaningful conversations with peers and adults using mathematical vocabulary.