Physical Education
At Starks Field Primary School we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and wellbeing of all our children. We provide an inclusive and progressive PE curriculum throughout the school with every class from Year 1 to Year 6 taking part in two hours of curriculum PE each week. Reception is also allocated weekly hall time to explore the gym equipment and develop the pupils' dance skills.
Our class teachers deliver safe and inclusive lessons to classes which look to focus on a number of sports. These include football, tag rugby, hockey, netball, basketball, tennis, cricket, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities, dance and gymnastics.
We are very fortunate to have links with external organisations which provide tennis and cricket coaches. Extra-curricular clubs offer a range of different sporting activities, including football, netball and multiskills. We take part in a number of external sporting activities, including special events for our children with special educational needs, Borough Athletics, the local authority dance festival, skipping workshops and more.
We understand both the health and safety benefits of learning to swim; our Year 4 children attend weekly swimming lessons at a local pool as part of the curriculum. The school buys into a borough-organised programme with qualified swimming instructors leading the sessions. We aim for every child to be able to swim 25m competently and confidently using a number of strokes by the time they leave Starks Field at the end of Year 6.
It is our aim at Starks Field that by the time our pupils move on to secondary education, they have developed the physical, social and psychological skills required by young sportspeople.
We are very proud to have been awarded with the Gold School Games Mark Award this year. It recognises the quality of our whole school PE provision and our passion for each child to enjoy leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
Year 4 swimming lessons start after February half term. Your child will need to bring a towel, swimming hat (for all girls and boys with long hair) and the following swimwear:
Girls - a one-piece swimming costume (no bikinis or wetsuits please)
Boys - a pair of swimming trunks
For further information, please read the parent/carer letter from the London Borough of Enfield here.