Starks Field raised money for the Charity NSPCC by dressing as a digit. They also took part in lots of number related activities throughout the day, including a TT Rockstars competition.
There were thousands of numbers on show, from football shirts to fantastic home made costumes.
Year 6 are pictured enjoying a trip to the park as part of our personal development for pupils.
Join us in the hall during Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings.
Refreshments and activities will be available throughout the evening.
Children enjoyed attending the winter fayre where there were arts and crafts, games, competitions and tombolas.
Starks Field enjoyed a flash mob.
Children and staff took part in a spontaneous dance.
The flash mob performed the Macarena in the sunshine.
Parents and carers of pupils in Year 2 enjoyed an informative assembly on Kenya.
The pupils were learning about Kenya as part of the International Evening event.
Edmonton MP Kate Osamor spoke to children at a special assembly and toured Starks Field.
Year 5 lobbied our MP on ensuring education for children across the world.
Year 5 enjoyed a cooking workshop with Kinder Kitchen, who are passionate about food, home cooking and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Staff dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day at Starks Field.
Children enjoyed a multi-faith assembly presented by a vicar, a rabbi and an imam.
Parents joined children for the spaghetti and marshmallow challenge as part of their Science Week activities.
Children enjoyed dressing up as mad scientists.