Starks Field Primary School

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167 Church Street,
London N9 9SJ

0208 887 6060

Starks Field Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be helps our pupils learn the importance of our six core values: kindness, respect, tolerance, resilience, honesty and self-responsibility.

  1. Parents and Carers

Parents and Carers


How Can Parents and Carers Help?

We are always keen to welcome parents and carers, wherever possible, into school life. If you are interested in volunteering in school, please contact the school office or the Deputy Head Teacher and we will be pleased to discuss options with you.

Parents/carers regularly help with a range of activities such as reading with children, helping out in class, participating in games, sewing, cooking, school outings, concerts and whole-school events.

In order to safeguard our children we do require all parent/carer volunteers to be DBS checked. Either the school office or the Deputy Head Teacher can help you with this.

We really are most grateful for all the help we get from parents and carers.


Remote Learning Offer

 Communication with Parents and Carers

As a staff we endeavour to establish a good relationship with all parents and carers.  We have a fortnightly newsletter, we use text and email and encourage parents and carers to follow us on Twitter.  We regularly ask parents and carers to ensure we have their up-to-date contact details.

We have parent/carer consultation and open evenings during the school year so that we can meet with parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress. Every child is invited along so that they are directly involved in reviewing progress in their learning and setting their own targets to work towards.

All children are given reports at the end of the school year.

If you have a concern about your child then please speak to their class teacher. If you require further support then please arrange to speak to the Phase Leader (Dawn Wejszko for EYFS and KS1, Andrew Shewring for KS2)  or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. It is not always necessary to make an appointment, as we will endeavour to see you immediately if we are able to. Teaching staff are usually available after school.

Supporting Your Child's Learning

There are many ways in which you can support and encourage your child to do well at school. This may include:

  • Play with and talk to your child. Ask them about their day, what they did and what they enjoyed. Talk to your child as much as possible. It is very important to talk in your own ‘mother-tongue’, even if this is not English. This will enhance your child’s capacity to learn other languages and learn difficult concepts later on in life.
  • Read bedtime stories to your child as often as possible. Talk about the pictures and the stories with your child.
  • Regularly visit your local library and select fun books to read with your child.
  • Limit the amount of time your child watches television. Research has shown that children who watch a lot of TV have a less developed vocabulary and do less well at school.
  • Refer to our Online Learning and Online Safety Information.
  • Take your child to parks and museums. They are free and are great fun!
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children up to 10 years old may still need up to ten hours' sleep a night.
  • Support your child with their homework. If you are unsure about a task yourself, please do not hesitate to ask for help at school.
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy diet. If your child takes a packed lunch to school, ensure it contains healthy food such as sandwiches, yoghurt and fruit.  As we have Healthy School Status and are committed to healthy eating we do not allow sweets, nuts or fizzy drinks. Try to avoid crisps, cakes and biscuits in your child’s lunchbox on a daily basis.
  • Walk to school if possible and ensure that your child gets regular exercise.
  • Make sure your child attends school every day, unless they are unwell.
  • Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school; this includes a warm coat in the winter and suitable footwear. Backless shoes and high heels are a health hazard, as are many types of jewellery.